Since we let our own beautiful butterflies go last weekend, The Dino Dude and I made a trip down south, to see all of the other butterflies, and bugs at the Butterfly Pavilion.
I love my little and big trips with my Dino Dude. We get to run away and do whatever we want. See whatever we want. We manage to have all kinds of fun.
Even if we take the wrong turn and get lost.
For an hour.
Or so.
The scenery was beautiful. Something I’ll have to explore further at a later date. It’s too beautiful not to go back.
We finally made it. The butterflies were beautiful. They will just land on you and take flying sweeps at you. It’s pretty spectacular.
There are also other bugs. Big ones. Big furry ones. Ones with big hairy legs that your child won’t hold unless you do it first. (not really that high on my list, but I did it and survived, the things you do for your children……) And then still has to ponder whether or not he will let that thing touch him for another 30 minutes. But he did. And then he did it again. And then he talked it to death. Couldn’t get enough. Needed to know everything about it, why it was the way it was.
Song: Drive By, Train