Holy crap…, I mean cramoli, it’s already here!!!
I know that is the standard line of Christmas letters all around. “This year has just flown by.”, “Where did the time go?”, etc, etc. And since I don’t send Christmas letters anymore (hey you can see what I’m doing all the time, right here!, but I still send the obligatory photos) I feel the need to bring up the topic.
Seriously….as a child, time moves like a snail. Worse than a snail.
But once you hit 30, even before that….you can snap your fingers, and just like that, a year has gone by. Just about the time you want time to inch by, it starts a crazy mad race.
So, the time has come, once again (it snuck up on me) to embrace the Christmas spirit (can’t say it’s a hard job, I really love Christmas time!)
Up the dry mountain we went. There isn’t much snow this time around. We’re in a bit of a drought right now.
We found the prettiest little trees. We didn’t have to trudge through 8 feet of snow. Nobody got to laugh at me face planting myself in the snow. It was a very very calm tree hunt.
We did find one hill, with just enough snow to sled down.
And as long as you stayed on the right path, everything would be fine. But, my child, being my child…..ran himself into a giant rock, a giant pile of logs and some sort of giant tube, every time he went down. Let’s just say, he was a little sore when he was done.
The we decorated. I got a little emtional, like I always do decorating the trees. Overcome with memories. And now I get to look at it every single night. There truly is no better way to say goodnight to the world than falling asleep staring at Christmas tree lights.
Song: O Tannenbaum, The Vince Guaraldi Trio….also my favorite way to start the season.