Be Awesome Today

The Dino Dude starts second grade today. Reconciling that in my head in a hard thing to do. I mean… I actually remember second grade. Second grade is one of those memorable grades that has forever been instilled in my brain as one of my favorite grades, if not my favorite. My teacher was amazing. I adored her as did most of my classmates. This is surprising, because I was the new kid in town that year. I didn’t know anyone, as we had just moved to a small town in here in Wyoming….Saratoga. We loved it immediately. And to be honest, some of the strongest relationships  I’ve had throughout my life have been with the kids from Saratoga. It’s such a small little world here in Wyoming, that we are constantly running into people who had my dad as a teacher, or tormented me because they were friends with my older brother.

The thing is …I truly started to remember my own life at that time. What people said to me  and treated me  like made a difference to the kind of person I was going to become. Teachers of kiddos this age have a big job. Not that other teachers don’t, but children can be so affected at this age. For instance, I still have trouble reading out loud because one of my teachers got mad at me in front of the class for not reading properly. (I was painfully shy in school, quite unlike my little man.) So…I pray they take good care of my Dino Dude. I pray his little brain holds in everything it possibly can. I pray he reaches his goals for the year. I pray he stays healthy. I pray that his memories are as good as mine. I pray that this years learning experience is a positive one that helps mold the man he will be someday. I pray that he’s tough, but not so much so that he’s calloused.  I pray that he is kind. I pray that he is AWESOME. And I hope when he looks at the picture to the left, I hope that he remembers sitting with me, thinking of things together of all the things he loves, and not the grand pain it was to take the actual picture. I don’t know what he will remember… so we have to be careful and mindful of what kind of memories we are making for them….I pray they are happy ones.

We will have the apple feast tonight. I have some great things planned, but of course don’t have photos up yet. But this is my new favorite snack. I’m pretty sure the whole world has already tried it, but I just now have. And LOVE it. You can add cinnamon if you want.




So to all the mothers of Kindergarteners…good luck today, it’s a big step. But a great one!  It gets better. It gets more exciting.  To all the mothers of the seniors, good luck to you as well, that’s a bigger step. But an awesome one too!

And I’ll leave you with a song from one of my back to school favorite movies…. The Breakfast Club.

  • Michele D

    I’ve been on the brink of tears all day … and you pushed me over the edge! Thanks friend!

  • staceyjean22

    Sorry Michelle 🙁 It’s hard watching them grow, but just know they are all turning out to be awesome people!