Today is the first day of autumn. It was a beautiful day. The perfect kind of fall day. Warm. Sun shining. Breeze blowing. Blue sky. Just a couple of yellow leaves twirling in the street.
I worked on some canning. I did some baking. I did some cooking. I spent a good share of time in the kitchen…..but that’s OK, because I love being there in the fall. If just for the smells.
And now it’s raining.
Like it has been for weeks. I’m thankful I live an hour away from all the devastation the rain has caused lately, but to be honest, I would like it to stop raining and just be fall for a minute… for the sake of my neighbors to the south. And so my trees will turn colors.
I had the perfect autumn meal tonight, a splurge. Chicken Chili. Zucchini Bread and corn on the cob. A perfect meal. And I will share a part of it with you. The chili recipe will come later (like tomorrow!) This recipe is from a cookbook I’ve carried with me through college. It is full of recipes from wonderful church ladies. And everyone knows how well those church ladies can cook. This book has recipes from my grandmother as well, which is why it is so dear to me. I don’t have many from her, though this one is not hers. I know she would be proud of me for making it though, and I wish I could share a piece with her over a scathing game of cribbage.
Here’s to a delightful, cozy, season full of splendor.