A Different Kind of Slot

Do nothing to mar its grandeur, for the ages have been at work on it and man cannot improve it. Keep it for your children. Your children’s children, and all who come after you.  ~ Theodore Roosevelt

The early morning I watched the sun come up over the Grand Canyon, is one morning that will get me through bad days. It’s one of those memories that instantly will bring a smile to my face and peace to my heart.

I got my boys out of bed at 5 in the morning without complaint.  They even seemed a little happy to be awake. We wrapped ourselves in blankets from the bed, and sweatshirts from the general store and went to see the day start at one of the most beautiful places on earth.


When the earth was lit, we headed to the coffee shop to warm ourselves, as it was kind of snowing a titch that morning. We packed our bags and away we went.

Now I’m going to admit, this next part of the trip, was mostly for me. I’ve been itching to see it for a couple years now. But as it turned out, my family was torn about which part they liked better. The Grand Canyon, or Antelope Canyon.

If you don’t know about Antelope Canyon, it’s in the middle of nowhere in northern Arizona. If you don’t know about it, then you probably would miss it.  It’s on the reservation, so you will pay a fee to go see it and then you will pay another fee to be toured through it (well worth every penny.)

Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon, made by thousands and thousands of years of erosion and water. There have been floods there that have killed many people (which is why people aren’t allowed to just go visit anymore.) It is one of the most awesome, beautiful things I’ve seen. Just plain amazing. A-MAZING. Our guide, was also amazing. Watching as other groups went through, I realized that we had the best of the best. Given the time limits, I wasn’t able to take the photo tour, which would have made the photos so much better, but it’s OK, it was fantastic just to see it.

Page Arizona is kind of a tiny town, not much to do there, so we explored a little more in the evening. Horseshoe Bend, is another breathtaking place to see in the area. It’s about a 3/4 mile hike to get to it, but well worth every single step. I was too nervous to stand clear out on the edge with the sandstone. Several people had warned us of it breaking away.  And it really is that red. Everything is very, very red.

We made our way back to Vegas the next day.  Of course we had to drive through a small portion of Southern Utah, which is the Dinosaur mecca of the universe. We stopped at a couple places to see what was new, and then we hit the long stretch to the city of lights. We had just enough time to explore a little bit more, eat a buffet and find an Elvis.


1 comment
  • Kacky

    Always love your photos but these of Arizona are breathtaking! The Grand Canyon is on my bucket list and this just makes me want to go even more. Love your work!