We built a couple tomato boxes last year and decided we needed to continue with the project in the garden this year, for at least half of it. Remember when I showed you these. Well they are finished and planted and ready to go for the season. We hauled in several tons of dirt and rock and shoved by hand, one truck load at a time. But I think it was worth it, as I don’t have to get down on my hands and knees to weed in that spot. I also built a box just for red roses. They now have their own special place to live. Yay!
Later I managed to hang a candle light chandelier next to my picnic table. Something I’ve been wanting to do. That’s normally how I do things. I walk around the house looking for things I need to do and then the trouble is, I have to figure out how to get it done. I got the actual chandelier for free (thank you, thank you!!) My first intention was to rewire it and plug it in, but I wanted to be able to leave it outside, so out came the wires. I spray painted it white as it was kind of a gross brass. And then I took some very very strong glue and glued tea light holders to each arm. And viola!! It was done. But not before I had the boys digging me a hole for a post we could cement into the ground to hold the thing, as it is extremely heavy!!!! ( The dino dude took his digging job seriously. ) So in the post went and then the candles were lit. And I’m totally in love with it! I roasted a smores and drank my wine by the light of the candles and twinkle lights. There really is no better way to spend an evening!