We rang in the first day of summer with a good old back yard party. We had fantastic food. Great drinks. Wonderful company from all over kingdom come. Kids running and playing everywhere. A new pastime of hoola hoop jumping. A game of nerds under the lights. Just a great way to start the summer. Loved it. And I got to find giant flamingos in the most obscure places in the morning.
I promised myself to take more photos this year at gatherings and I got just a few, and as usual, I wish I had more!
We have family (cousins, including my God-baby!) that is moving to DC and are making a huge trek across country, and we were lucky enough to have them here. The youngest was baptized Sunday morning, so we got to spend a little more time with them. I got to chase them and play with them and get amazing neck snuggles and hugs. There is nothing better than hugs and neck snuggles in the summer.