A Few New Things

There have been a few projects that I’ve been working on lately.

First is an ongoing project from earlier in the year. Alexis Drake Jewelry has a new website up and running. Go check it out. Buy stuff. You’ll love it. I do.  (Click here to transport you to jewelry heaven.)



The second, The Statement Clothing Store here in Cheyenne went ONLINE! yay!!! Go check it out! Buy stuff! You’ll love it. (Click here to whisk you away.)

And third…you see at the top of the page up there? And the word “purchase.”  If you click that, it will take to another awesome spot on the web. The place where I now sell artistic photos. It’s been waiting for a long time to be connected to something, and now it’s connected! So, buy stuff. It will make you happy.

Soooo, shop until you drop. Buy Stuff. It will make you happy!