These will probably be the last sunflowers I have at home this year. I love having fresh ones every week, but the time has come that pumpkins and corn stalks will be taking over. Among other fall things and smells. The sunflowers and apples and back to school bouquets of pencils of September that I love so much….. it’s time for them to go.
But not without a portrait of course.
I had a discussion a little while ago with someone who asked why I primarily display black and white photos in my home. I didn’t even really have to think about my answer all that long or hard, which isn’t all that normal for me. I find it hard to formulate answers often. But my answer was easy….to me they tell the story so much better, but it’s a harder task to portray that story while you’re taking them. There are no distractions in them. What’s there is there, and as a photographer, I’ve always found it challenging and rewarding to be able to tell a story that way.
Oh… and I’m colorblind.