Category Archives: The Natural

Take a moment to see things come to life around you. Nature. The earth. Everything beautiful about it.

The Unexpected

The winter days, although short, seem long. The winter weeks, although long, seem short. The shadows show up earlier…

It’s Wild Out There

I sat in a chair on the prairie, much like the prairie I live on, drinking a beer, with my legs crossed, enjoying…

A Lap of Land

I read the legend of sleepy hollow every year and this road reminds me so much of an excerpt from the first couple…

A Grateful Heart

I spent the evening shooting in Pinebluffs last night. I've gotten to know the little community much better this…

The Indian Paintbrush

Wyoming's State Flower. Have you ever wondered why it's called the Indian Paintbrush? After shooting it, I needed…


I read that Yellowstone had over 4 million visitors last year. That is 3,500,000 more people than actually live in…

It’s Time to Be Done….Snowing

It's that time of year here in Wyoming. Where the weather teases us. For a day with 70 degrees and sunshine. And…


It's the first day of April. April…. the month that makes me think of the color yellow. Of fields of daffodils…

Beautiful….Wish You Here

This past week I played in the sand. But wasn't on a beach. On a bit of short notice (because I thought…